
Mid-Stakes Mastery 2024

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Mid-Stakes Mastery 2024

13 ratings

Only available through Bryan Paris!
We just added 15+ hours of content bring the total to over 40 hours! Bryan Paris recent won the GG Millions for over $60,000 after buying in for $50. For the first time we are releasing a full review of how he made his way through more than 21,000 people for this win. That's right 21,000 people! Not to mention, Mike has won the very same tournament. If that isn't a shining example of Mid-Stakes Mastery, I don't know what is.

If that wasn't enough we also added an audio review of Mike recent 240k win at the Commerce Casino in LA AND a full review of one of Bryan's PKO victories on the GGpoker Network.

How does one man make $1,950,000+ from mid-stakes tournaments?

Yes. $1.95 Million. That’s a major league sports salary. And Bryan Paris made that kind of money from the same tournaments you’re playing.

Would you like to make that kind of money from $50 and $100 tournaments?

Bryan’s average stake is $92. That means he’s not blowing up the high stakes games every time he plays. He makes his money the old-fashioned way. He does it through hard work.

He plays the exact same games you play. Are you getting those kinds of results?

Are you happy with the results you’re getting in tournament poker?

Are you winning tournament after tournament? Or are you constantly busting right after you make the money?

Do you have the big stack when the money bubble bursts? Or are you struggling along?

When you do make a final table are you closing the deal? Are you the one with all the chips when everything is said and done?

Are you losing critical flips?

Why do you need to win those critical flips?

There are ways to build your stack before those coinflip hands happen. There is a way to stay alive even when hands go against you.

Do you want to know how to build your stack without a showdown?

Do you want to know the secrets the pros know that the general public doesn’t know about?

You watch high stakes poker on TV. You listen to high stakes poker players talk. Do you ever notice what they’re saying never helps you with your game?

Many of those high stakes players are preparing for games with the same 10 or 20 guys every day. Their strategies are much different from what you need. When they try to teach you about poker they have the best of intentions. The problem is they haven’t played mid-stakes in a long time. They have no idea what you’re dealing with.

Have you ever watched some of these training videos? It’s just a perfect hygienic world every time. Everyone folds to them on the button. How often does that actually happen for you? Then they raise and the other players always respect their raises. They double barrel and their opponent respectfully folds a pair.

Could you ever see that happening in your games? No one respects your threebets, much less your double barrels. The people you’re playing against just raise rivers for the hell of it all the time. There’s always someone raising before it gets folded to you in late position.

There are ways to deal with these button clicking monkeys. No one has ever taught you the methods.

It is not difficult to become a great player at mid-stakes. Many people love the convoluted explanations high stakes players give for their plays because it excuses them from responsibility. If it’s absurdly hard to become a great poker player, then no one can do it. You can simply claim all successful players are lucky.

But then how do you explain Bryan Paris? 142,000 tournaments in the same games you play? $1,950,000+ in profit?

That isn’t a single tournament win. That is consistency. That is excellence. That is execution. Every day this man woke up and poured his soul into his craft. That’s why he was rewarded.

Becoming a great poker player at mid-stakes is not difficult. It’s just time consuming. That is completely different.

Bryan Paris and Mike Wasserman have put in the time. They have $3,000,000+ in profit between them across hundreds of thousands of tournaments.

That isn’t luck. That isn’t some jackass who won a tournament once telling you what to do with your life. That is skill. That is excellence and execution, day in and day out.

And now for the first time ever these two are going to take you inside their spacious offices and teach you their craft. You will learn how two legitimate professionals have supported their families for decades.

It is rare for two professionals this solid to say anything about poker. It’s hard to get working professionals to expose their secrets.

Many of the poker products you see on the market are created by poker professionals after they’ve left the tables. They are looking to diversify their portfolio as they try their hand at another venture.

That is not the case with Mike Wasserman and Bryan Paris. These two take care of their families with their poker. Both of these guys are lifers. If you make a major final table in 30 years, there is a great chance you will be dealing with one of these guys.

Would you want to learn from these two guys if it were affordable?

Are you interested in what it takes to be an actual working professional who stays consistent?

Do you want to learn from two guys who have made millions of dollars from the same games you play?

Or do you want to keep learning from people who never play in your games?

If you were to get 30+ hours of training from Mike Wasserman and Bryan Paris together it would cost nearly $7,000. But for right now you can get their complete 17-hour video package for just $697.

How many times have you entered a $500 tournament live, busted it, and not even thought about it a week later?

For just that price you can get coaching from two of the most consistent guys in the business.

If you watch a half-hour lesson every day, it will be OVER A MONTH before you finish all the content.

And then you’ll have to review it. There is so much to take in here. These guys are explaining their COMPLETE playbook for mid-stakes tournaments. This is the exact recipe they used to make millions at mid-stakes!

“Why would they give away their exact playbook for $697 if they can make millions with it?”

That’s your question, right?

I’m glad you asked.

They are willing to give away their trade manuals because ALMOST NO ONE will apply what they say.

All you have to do to start winning at mid-stakes is apply their methods, but it takes a commitment. You have to watch one of these videos for fifteen minutes before you play. You give them those fifteen minutes and they will give you a new play to apply. Then, while you’re playing, you have to actually pay attention and try to implement the new play. Then, the next time you play you have to watch the same video again to find another play you can apply. You need to repeat this process until you have every weapon in their arsenal.

Again, this process is not difficult. It just takes time. There’s a difference.  

Most people won’t put in the time. They treat poker like entertainment. They’ll watch the training video once and then not apply it.

Most people want to PLAY poker. They don’t want to work at it.

It’s like golf. Most people want to just go play 18 holes. Very few people will play a round and say to themselves, “okay, I’m working on this specific aspect of my putting today.”

The difference between those two golfers isn’t much, but over years and years it will separate them by galaxies.

Are you the one guy out of a 100 reading this right now who will take the million-dollar playbooks and actually apply them?

You can only answer that question through action.

Show us you’re serious about your game.

Do you want to keep barely cashing with 20 or 30 big blinds? Do you want to keep losing critical flips deep in tournaments? Do you want to keep watching other people win the tournaments you just busted out of?

Or do you want to start applying the exact methods that led to Bryan Paris and Mike Wasserman making millions of dollars?

Imagine yourself in six months time. Imagine you committed to watching one of these videos every day. Imagine you wrote down just a couple bullet points every time you watched a video. Imagine you applied the methods you saw on film. Imagine all these plays and weapons started becoming part of your game.

Every one of your friends is wondering what happened to your game. You’re playing so much different now. More importantly, you’re making more final tables. And when you make these final tables you actually have chips. You can start torturing the guys who used to force you into flips you could never win. They have to win five flips in a row now to actually have a shot at busting you. That’s how much you were accumulating before the final table.

All you have to do to make this future a reality is apply yourself. You can start doing that today.

Look at everything you will learn from this package in the time stamps below.

If you don’t know the answer to a certain question posed in these time stamps, ask yourself this:

Are you comfortable continuing to play poker seriously without knowing the answer to that question?

One leak could cost you $500 over the next year!

If you plug 10 or 20 leaks this package will pay for itself within weeks! Everything after that will be free money!

Look at everything Mike Wasserman and Bryan Paris teach you here. They cover practically everything:


No Limit Hold’em Tournament Analysis:


Part 1


02:00   -   Late registration theory

10:30   -   What types of hands can you limp the button with?

14:10   -   Can we threebet off of 18 big blinds?!

16:30   -   How should you continuation bet versus the population?

18:35   -   How discipline and strong fundamentals effects longevity in the game

23:50   -   What factors point to a strong 3 betting range?

29:00   -   How should we defend our big blind in multiway pots? Half the field messes this concept up!


Part 2


01:30   -   How to exploit bets in multiway pots

03:30   -   Continuation betting versus the big blind when we are the button

07:30   -   How to exploit turn leads

12:00   -   How to incorporate math into your game

14:00   -   Opening ranges from early position 60 big blinds deep and how to adjust to shorter stacks

17:30   -   Defending the big blind versus a small blind making it 2.5X

20:30   -   ICMizer jamming range from SB vs BTN 2.5x   


Part 3


00:10  -  Facing an Under The Gun open with a borderline hand. (People blow money in this spot all the time)

02:30  -  Defending big blind vs a small blind raise 25 big blinds deep

06:15  -  What gets you deep in tournaments consistently at low and mid stakes

07:55  -  ICMizer blind versus blind calling/jamming ranges 10 big blinds deep. It’s incredible how many “pros” still get this wrong!

11:30  -  Why protecting your hand is NOT the best decision (sometimes)

20:35  -  When to double barrel and when NOT to double barrel

22:20  -  Importance of board coverage with your ranges


Part 4


01:00   -   Can you flat in the small blind with marginal hands?

02:20   -   When and how to NOT cap your range

10:35   -   How to exploit short stack limps

13:00   -   How to play different stack sizes

15:55   -   How to adjust your post flop strategy from the big blind based on your opponent's position

17:10   -   When should you induce and when should you protect your hand?

33:10   -   How to change HERO in ICMizer to gain clarity about profitability 


Part 5


03:00   -   Why high stakes training DOESN’T APPLY to these games! They are different!

03:45   -   ICM analysis

06:00   -   How should you play suited and unsuited hands differently?

08:05   -   At what stack depth can we jam 3-3 from the button?

10:30   -   Advantages to 3 bet/calling compared to shoving all our chips over an open

12:35   -   How do middle stages and late stages change our threebet/calling and shoving ranges?

13:15   -   ICMizer analysis 

17:10   -   When can you move all-in with 30 big blinds?

19:30   -   What hands should we bet/call vs jam in the big blind versus a cutoff open 32 big blinds deep?

20:55   -   How to interpret GTO charts and what information to take from them. Almost EVERYBODY screws this up. You can’t just point to a GTO chart and then act like you’ll soon be a millionaire!

26:35   -   What type of range we should be flatting with 25 big blinds deep early position versus middle position?

28:15   -   The SIGNIFICANT equity difference between aces and kings. Do you play these hands pretty much the same?


Part 6


00:45   -   What are your defending ranges in the big blind versus a 2X raise and a 2.5X raise? They should be completely different!

03:50   -   What raise sizes should you use preflop and why?

05:25   -   When should you threebet suited aces preflop and when should you NOT?

12:20   -   When you NEED to pass on marginal spots. This is extremely important to your profit margin.

17:10   -   How to PUNISH limpers blind versus blind, depending on their stack sizes

25:40   -   How to EXPLOIT situations where your range is capped

25:40   -   How to SPLIT your ranges so your opponents FAIL at exploiting you!

32:20   -   When should you move all-in on your opponent for value and when should accept a smaller bet? People FAIL at this consistently and it destroys their win rate!

36:45   -   What is geometric bet sizing and why is it important?

38:30   -   Why flatting is higher variance than GOING ALL IN! Do you know if you flat too much?

40:20   -   Why strong fundamentals are what help you beat big fields 


Part 7


10:00   -   What is the minimum profitability you need to jam over an open towards the end of a tournament? How much is your stack worth? This is one of the BIGGEST reasons people don’t make money at tournament poker!

18:35   -   Why you could move all-in and turn your cards and face up in certain situations. Don’t be scared to put your money all-in! 90% of regulars don’t move all-in enough. Do you know for a fact your ranges are correct?

21:00   -   How to create benchmarks in ICMizer so you know how to proceed versus different player types.

27:40   -   Button strategy versus two short stacks in the blinds

30:45   -   How much should you continuation bet in multiway pots versus heads-up pots?


Part 8


02:20   -   How to edit ranges properly in ICMizer. Most people don’t even bother to buy this essential program. The few people who do pick up the software don’t even use it right! You will have a HUGE edge if you learn how to analyze your game properly with these easy fixes!

04:30   -   When should you STEAL from early and middle position and when should you pump the brakes?

07:30   -   When do you want to flat from the small blind?

07:55   -   How to interpret a solver’s information in PIO charts

10:05   -   How to EXPLOIT your opponent’s different bet sizes in multiway pots

10:40   -   How to gauge where the bottom of your range is in ICMizer

14:40   -   ICMizer deep dive

18:25   -   When T4o is going to overperform blind versus blind in tournaments. Yes. T-4o. Really!

22:20   -   How does your end game strategy change in small fields versus large fields. Your strategies should be completely different. This is a leading way people set their ROI on fire!


Part 9


00:50   -   When should you open small pairs in early position?

02:30   -   Why stack size manipulation is so important deep in tournaments

09:05   -   Deep ICMizer work in the final tables of a tournament

11:45   -   What is effective stack size? Many people get this horribly wrong

15:25   -   How the field plays end game versus how they SHOULD play end game

20:15   -   How to interpret a solver’s information in PIO charts

26:30   -   How to play OUT OF POSITION versus a chip leader




03:00   -   How calling ranges change near the final table due to ICM. Do you change your calling ranges near the final table?

08:35   -   When to threebet light from the small blind near the final table. This is a DEADLY move for padding your stack.

12:55   -   How to exploit threebet pots at the end of the tournament

18:30   -   How to recognize and exploit your opponent’s unbalanced strategies

21:35   -   How to get thin value bets paid off on the river




01:10   -   When to open limp the button. Do you ever do this play? Do you know why other people do this play?

05:20   -   How to exploit different continuation bet sizes based on board texture

08:50   -   How to steal blinds shorthanded. If you can’t master this then YOU CAN’T CLOSE TOURNAMENTS. The biggest payout jumps happen at the end. If you can’t scale that bridge then your tournament career is lost.

16:00   -   When to slowplay and when to SHUT DOWN the hand

21:15   -   How to study the other tables when you’re deep in tournaments. Do you ever do this? If not, you’re leaving a TON of money on the table!




01:15    -   How to exploit table dynamics and different stack sizes deep. If you can’t master this then you will not close tournaments.

07:00    -   When to pressure other big stacks and when to back off

07:00    -   How do you take ICM into account as the chip leader? If you can’t manipulate this, then you won’t win as many tournaments as you deserve to.

09:10    -   When to pot control at final tables even when you have a big hand

14:05    -   When do you NEED to call threebets and when do you need to fold?

17:35    -   When to protect the chips you've already put in the middle and when to fold and cut your losses.


Part 13


01:10   -   How to play the small blind versus the big blind at the final table. This comes up constantly in shorthanded situations!

05:50   -   The importance of looking up your opponents on Sharkscope so you can exploit them more

11:20   -   Big blind defense versus the small blind at the final table. Again, this comes up constantly. How well can you explain your specialized strategy for this specialized situation?

13:50   -   How to use information from showdowns to exploit your opponents more

17:00   -   Bet, check, bet vs bet, bet, check line

21:05   -   What should your end game strategy be versus short stacks?

24:15   -   More geometric bet sizes

24:40   -   When to change your plan in the middle of the hand

28:10   -   When you can jam any two into multiple players because of ICM

31:15   -   Biggest mistakes seen at mid stakes final tables. This section alone would be worth $500, because these leaks frequently cost players thousands! They cost tens of thousands at major final tables.

Progressive Knockout Analysis

Part 1


00:05   -   Registration strategy. For some people this six minutes alone will be worth over $500

06:35   -   How to adjust blind versus blind ranges in 6max versus 9max and PKO versus a freezeout. How confident are your ranges in each situation? They are completely different across games.

08:10   -   What hands should you defend in the small blind versus a big blind raise?

09:00   -   What types of hands should you defend in the big blind versus a small blind raise?

14:00   -   How to think about blockers for calling versus raising as a bluff
17:05   -   More concepts on blockers. People talk about blockers all the time, but most people have no idea what they are talking about.

18:30   -   What does a half-pot bet mean? This is a HUGE poker tell!

21:45   -   When should you lead out of position on the river? This is play 99% of players don’t have

29:05   -   When should you threebet and call versus just moving all-in? People treat these options like they’re the same thing, but they dramatically change your tournament success


Part 2


00:20   -   What to call all-ins with from the big blind in a PKO. This is completely different than calling an all-in in a freezeout.

02:30   -   How bounty size DRAMATICALLY changes your ranges

08:55   -   When to pot control and when to bloat the pot in PKOs

11:45   -   What to do when you are unsure about a spot?

17:30   -   Raise/Calling the button with 30+ big blinds in a PKO

21:30   -   How should you play top pair in multiway pots?

22:00   -   Continuation betting in multiway pots

24:10   -   Why shutting down equity deep in tournaments is so valuable

29:30   -   Leading vs checking in a multiway pot.  Should you try to play optimally or exploitatively?

33:00   -   The logic behind passing on marginal spots out of position in soft fields


Part 3


02:20   -   Geometric bet sizes

08:05   -   How to exploit your opponents MORE when they show down specific marginal hands

16:10   -   How to DESTROY maniacs who are aggressive in random situations

19:00   -   When should you squeeze in position in a PKO? It’s different than squeezing in a freezeout

21:30   -   Why raising small IP can be an extremely effective strategy

27:30   -   Why you NEED to take THIN preflop situations in PKOs. How much do YOU change your preflop ranges in a PKO?


Part 4


00:10   -   Continuation betting in multiway pots. Everyone gets this wrong so we’re going to keep covering it in different situations.

01:20   -   Additional factors for big blind defense versus the small blind in PKOs

02:40   -   When should you raise and when should you limp from the small blind when you are 30 big blinds deep?

10:50   -   What stack size can you fourbet bet shove as a BLUFF in a PKO versus a freezeout?

12:45   -   How to change threebet sizings in PKOs. Are your threebet sizings different in PKOs?

15:25   -   What is Minimum Defense Frequency and why is it important?

19:00   -   When should you defend A-x suited in the small blind? It depends on stack size. Do you know what stack sizes allow you flat?

26:15   -   How to exploit your opponents more based on their bet sizes

29:15   -   Additional factors to consider when double barreling


Part 5


02:55   -   When should you bet TWO TIMES the size of the pot on the river as a BLUFF Do you have this move in your arsenal?

10:10   -   Why when somebody else is all in your range widens in PKOs

15:10   -   Using your chip lead to accumulate more chips. This is how GREAT players avoid being at the mercy of flips later in the tournament!

16:15   -   Hidden variance in MTTs

19:05   -   How to EXPLOIT calling stations

25:45   -   When to CHECKRAISE with a top pair. Do you have this play in your arsenal?

27:25   -   How to survive postflop versus weird lines from overly aggressive players

43:20   -   How final table bubble strategy changes in PKOs vs Freezeouts. This section alone is worth the price of admission. People light money on fire all the time by applying freezeout strategy to PKOs deep.


Part 6


00:20   -   What should you call a shove with deep in a PKO?

04:25   -   How to flat threebets out of position

06:10   -   How to play threebet pots in position

10:15   -   Jamming blind versus blind with 25 big blinds. Do you ever shove this many chips?

25:50   -   Defending the big blind in end game play versus early and middle stages

28:45   -   Punishing limpers in the big blind vs small blind limps when you’re 40 big blinds deep

34:15   -   Threebetting and calling versus jamming with the middle and top of your range

Part 7


02:30   -   What you need to know before you ever bluff a river again

04:05   -   Raise sizes from the small blind with deep stacks versus short stacks

08:15   -   What to expect when you increase your aggression. Mishandling this is why many players NEVER succeed.

10:45   -   How to take advantage of a hand history to make it a study tool to improve your game

12:50   -   Factors to consider when raising the big blind after a small blind limp

16:15   -   When to JAM and when to pot control with 20 big blinds or less. Most people stop thinking when they get to this stack.

28:35   -   How to adjust to opponents who overbet jam preflop

30:35   -   One of the most important components to closing out tournaments

33:15   -   Adjusting continuation bet size based on stack sizes


Part 8


00:30   -   Punishing limps blind versus blind when you are 60 big blinds deep

03:10   -   How to play top pairs successfully on the river facing a big bet

04:35   -   How to analyze blockers and bluff catchers on rivers. This is the street most tournament players botch.

05:40   -   When to apply blocker effects and when NOT to

11:00   -   ICMizer life hack

13:50   -   When to call versus when to threebet 

24:35   -   What it takes to win MTTs consistently 

29:25   -   When to check back showdown value and when to bet

34:50   -   Threebet sizing based on ante size and pot size

35:45   -   How bounties work in heads up

Part 9

09:45   -   Post Flop Mathematics

13:40   -   When to checkraise two pair and when not to

21:30   -   More hidden variance in MTTs and how to spot it

23:05   -   How to play small flush draws out of position

26:35   -   How to play threebet pots out of position when you have missed the flop

27:35   -   Implied odds when heads-up in a bounty tournament

31:05   -   How to adjust when a player starts jamming on you constantly

31:30   -   ICMizer 26 big blind heads up resteal jam ranges 


Part 10


00:05   -   When to checkraise bluff out of the big blind and when not to

03:45   -   Why raise folding from 25 big blinds can be SO bad

07:45   -   ICMizer jamming ranges for 40 big blind stacks heads-up

13:25   -   How having an ace in your hand can save your ass heads-up

16:55   -   Why it is so important to keep dominated hands in your opponent’s range

20:20   -   How to threebet BLUFF heads-up

24:00   -   Key takeaways from the final table


And there are even more videos in this package!

Beyond these videos the package also contains exclusive interviews and recordings of live sessions, including one session which features duel final tables!

As a bonus, the package also includes some INTENSE private lessons caught on tape!  This section includes over 6 hours of Mike and Bryan coaching the same student to help him move from low to mid-stakes.  They cover all stages of tournament strategy as well as a database review of their students PokerTracker4 database.

The concept videos that break up the action highlight specific moneymaking concepts that you can use quickly. You will rapidly learn the most common leaks people have at mid-stakes.

Finally, the package wraps up with a summary video that helps you remember all the most important concepts. Once you finish watching all the videos you can rewatch this specific breakdown video to remind yourself of everything you learned in the series!

Mike and Bryan update this course multiple times a year and don't plan on stopping anytime soon.

Check it out today and learn all this and more!




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