
How to CRUSH Hyper Turbos

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How to CRUSH Hyper Turbos


“Mike, what the hell, are you serious? You have ANOTHER series done?”

“You told me to do it. Did you think I’d take a year to get around to it?”

Enter Mike Wasserman. 

You remember him? He’s my friend who got to #1 on Earth in online poker. He’s made $1,000,000+ in profit from the game. More importantly, I know him personally. He’s a good guy who cares deeply about his craft. He has no ego. He likes working with students. He’s the guy I refer my clients to when they need high stakes training, and they always give him glowing reviews.

I told him, “Mike, I need something on Hyper Turbos. They are a huge part of the online poker landscape now. They run all the time, and when I see how people play them it’s painful...they just have no idea what they’re doing! They're lighting money on fire! I can’t imagine all the mistakes you see, given how well you’ve done in online poker, including hyper turbos. You know so much more about online poker than all of us. Could you please help us with this format?”

Okay, I didn’t say it exactly like that. It was about thirty texts and a lot of ranting on the phone and espresso and me making fun of plays I saw in hypers, but that’s the basic gist.

Anyway, out of nowhere, Mike the other day sends me a whole video package on hyper turbos!

We were literally discussing hyper turbos a couple weeks back, and the damn thing is done.

I just watched the whole program, and it’s excellent! I learned a ton from it. More importantly, I’m more prepared to play any form of turbo for the rest of my life because of this package. And I’ve been playing professionally for 14 years. I can’t imagine what the average person would get out of this pack.

Before I go into what this pack entails, you need to understand something about Mike: Unlike most professional poker players, Mike Wasserman does not love the sound of his own voice. He does not wax poetic. He’s a craftsman. Have you ever asked a mechanic a question about how to fix a certain part of your car? The mechanic probably gave you 20 words that pinpointed the EXACT problem and solution, along with perfect instructions, but he didn’t go on and on about it.

That’s what getting training from Mike is like. He knows the EXACT solutions that will improve your game, but unlike me, he won’t smash you over the head repeatedly with the solution. He doesn’t use my condescending tone to make his lessons grate through your mind endlessly. You ask him a question, you get exactly what you need, the end.

For this reason, this series is only a few hours long, but you will need to replay it constantly to get the full value. I found myself rewinding and replaying again and again. The more I did so, the more I got out of the pack. There’s just so much here!

In just a few hours, Mike Wasserman answers all of these questions:

What move do you NEVER see REAL professionals do in hyper turbos?

Why do pros always move 90% of their chips all-in preflop in hyper turbos, and then use their timebank to call off the rest of the chips when someone moves all-in? Why do they sometimes check it down when people don’t move their last 10% of chips in?

What are the profit margins actually like in Hyper Turbos? How do you get this kind of profit?

What all-ins do professionals do in these tournaments that 90% of the field isn’t doing? How do these professionals prove mathematically these all-ins are profitable?

What unorthodox checkraise gets you a TON of profit in these shortstack tournaments?

When should you raise preflop then call off your chips as opposed to just move all-in?

When should you stall and when should you play rapidly to make the most money in these tournaments?

How does the bubble change what hands you move all-in with and what hands you should call with? What is this based on?

When should you move all-in with any two cards, DESPITE what the computer simulations say?

How much of an edge do you need before you call all of your money off?

When should you FOLD even when you have a chip EV edge?!

What hands does the field REALLY move all-in with blind versus blind, and how should that change your calling ranges? (The simulators don’t predict this!)

How can you use Future Game Simulations to decide when to move all-in and when not to at the final table?

What pot odds price allows you to call with almost ANY TWO CARDS versus a small all-in? This spot comes up all the time in hyper turbos and EVERYBODY botches it!

When should you FOLD an ace on the button even with a shortstack after EVERYBODY folds to you? What stack distribution at a final table will make ICM calculators HATE the jam?

When should you fold AQs to a short stack jam? Many people screw up this common final table ICM spot and cost themselves tons of money.

What checkraise bluff can you use in hyper turbos that comes up rarely in larger stacked tournaments?

When should you minraise as opposed to moving all-in, because it would be such an ICM disaster if your all-in was called?

When should you limp preflop blind versus blind, as opposed to making a weak but profitable all-in jam preflop?

When should you do the 1/3rd pot bluff on the river (this rare spot doesn’t come up often! It was a real treat to see it!)

When is it a DISASTROUS move to checkraise with a draw heads-up?

Honestly, I could have kept going, but these are just the questions Mike Wasserman answered that I can remember off the top of my head. This product is packed. If you play hyper turbos or even fast tournaments with any kind of regularity, you need to hear what Mike has to say.

The best part of his training pack is Mike is also a believer in, “don’t give a man a fish. Teach him how to fish.”

He shows you the exact program he uses to destroy turbos and hyper turbos, and he shows you how to make that program sing. He shows you all the different game modes and how to use them. He tells you when, as a seven-figure professional poker player, he agrees with the numbers and when he disagrees. He tells you, however, that if you just get good with the numbers and practice day in and day out, you will get miles ahead of the competition.

He goes through an entire hyper turbo he won recently and shows how he can switch from the replayer to the math programs with ease. He shows you exactly how to confront those devilish shortstack situations that befuddle everybody…he gets you right out of the fog with math tools and deliberate practice. He shows you that anyone can do it. He also shows you that when you don’t have a hand history to replay, you can also use the program’s training module to deliberately practice.

Most refreshingly, Mike shows you how to use this module, and he allows you to see that he is not always right. Sometimes he disagrees with the program. Other times he admits, he’s still practicing and learning! It’s nice to see a poker pro who has reached his heights who is still able to admit to players that he’s learning. You can tell he genuinely loves reviewing and getting better. He shows you exactly how he does that. His attitude is infectious, and it makes you want to get to work too with the latest tools on the market.

Overall, I found this program to be a steal at $99, the sale price Mike is allowing me to offer you. The program is normally $199. I have spent WAY more than $200 to learn all of these shortstack maneuvers from private coaching, so I think $99 is just absurd.

Truly, if you play turbos with any regularity, you need to know how to review your hand histories and find all-ins and folds other players aren’t finding. If you save just one shortstack tournament, live or online, with a move you learn from this pack, you’ll often pay for the material right there. If you regularly play super shortstacked tournaments online, this kind of information will easily pay for itself within a matter of months. For the years and years after that, everything is gravy.

The great thing about hyper turbos is they take no time at all to play (which is a big deal for working folks) AND they put you in ICM spots constantly. When stacks are deep, tournaments can play more or less like a cash game. This is great, but it doesn’t teach us anything about ICM. Then, we get to a big final table, and we REALLY need to know ICM, and we’re just lost. We end up making mistakes that cost us thousands. Every year on the WSOP coverage, you can see guys make ICM mistakes that literally cost them hundreds of thousands.

DO NOT PUT YOURSELF in these situations. Learn ICM essentials in smaller tournaments online. Hyper turbos will get you learning about bubble spots, stalling, abusing shortstacks, folding big hands at final tables to keep favorable stack distributions, and everything in between. The lessons repeat themselves so frequently in these games. You will learn ICM strategy in no time, especially when a dynamite tournament player like Mike Wasserman is your guide.

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