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How to DESTROY Progressive Knockout Tournaments!

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How to DESTROY Progressive Knockout Tournaments!


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If you have ever wanted to see a complete strategic analysis session among a leading technologist in poker and a seven-figure winner this is your product. THIS IS ALL THE INFORMATION PROS HAVE THAT YOU DON'T!


  • Complete breakdown of ICMIZER 3, the most powerful PKO-analysis product on the market! Learn how to operate every nook and cranny of this powerful machine, and become the master of PKOs.

  • Intricate analysis with the creator of ICMizer 3 that shows you how dramatically different jamming ranges should be in PKO tournaments compared to normal freezeout situations. You won’t believe the mistakes your opponents are making!

  • Analysis of tons of close spots. You will not believe what you’re supposed to be calling all-ins with, and what you’re supposed to be shoving all-in!

  • Complete breakdown of multiple PKO wins, where every hand is revealed

  • Analysis of hands versus high stakes players.

  • Analysis of hands versus low-to-mid stakes players

  • Postflop analysis in real-world situations. Watch bluffs go horribly wrong and bluffs go insanely right. Learn the secrets behind unreal correct river calls no human should be capable of. 

  • Watch a pro who has made $1,000,000+ at the tables actually find spots where HE HIMSELF played incorrectly! Learn from a pro who has the guts to admit when he’s wrong and doesn’t put himself on a pedestal. Learn why you can’t trust your gut in these supremely weird tournaments!

  • Heads-up analysis. How to win all the bounties left! How can you get reads on your opponents in the fewest number of hands? How does that help you range him more effectively in the future?

Have you ever played a Progressive Knockout tournament online?

Did you feel like you really knew what you were doing?

I LOVE Progressive Knockout tournaments. For those of you who have never played one, the way they work is this: You buy into a traditional tournament, AND you put up the money to have a bounty on your head. When you bust someone, you get to POCKET half their bounty, and the other half of their bounty goes toward increasing your bounty, thus making you more of a target. 

It's a crazy format because if you pay attention and play one hand you normally wouldn't...and you bust a larger bounty? You just pocketed a bunch of money. That can be your ROI for the tournament right there.

The problem becomes this: What the hell are we supposed to be doing mathematically in a lot of these spots?

A normal MTT is a little more intuitive. Whoever gets all the chips at the end gets the lion's share of the money. So, we can use immediate pot odds and chip EV as somewhat of a guidepost. However, if someone is all-in or could possibly become all-in during a hand in a PKO, that changes everything. There are TWO prize pools here. 

My friend Mike Wasserman has won tons of PKO tournaments. He's made a $1,000,000+ in PROFIT from online tournaments in his lifetime. But he wanted to get better. So he hired a computer scientist, the creator of ICMIZER 3, to teach him more about PKOs and their dastardly difficult ICM spots.

Mike then went through every hand of a PKO tournament he won. When he got to truly nasty and difficult ICM spots, he brought in the creator of ICMIZER 3. Mike then created Powerpoints to summarize the key takeaways for viewers. He then recorded a live session (featuring another win!) and went back to analyze it with the creator of ICMIZER 3. He finally edited the footage down to 15 hours and made it into his greatest product ever.

After all that, he handed the training pack to me, to see what I thought of it. 

I thought I knew a few tricks about PKO tournaments. I'd played a few online. My friends had given me some tips. 

Oh my God, I did not know anything. The math is completely different in these tournaments. People are just lighting money on fire in PKOs!

There are so many little factors in PKOs that you don't consider. 

If you want a HUGE edge in online tournaments, you need to understand PKOs. They are a HOT item right now. The bounties get people gambling, and they have no idea what they're doing!

To prove to you that no one knows what they're doing, let me show you something.

Have you ever played a PKO?

Cool, yeah, me too. That said, I watched this video series and got specific answers to these questions.

Read this list of questions and ask yourself if you know the answers to these PKO-specific concepts.

I thought I knew the answers to all these questions before seeing this value-packed 15-hour product, but I was completely wrong:

  • Should your threebet sizings change in PKOs?

  • Should you ever late register a PKO tournament? It's completely different than late registering for a regular MTT!

  • How does the bubble play differently in PKO tournaments? (It is significantly different). ICM wise, how should you be playing differently?

  • Should you raise/fold from shortstacks in PKOs?

  • When you have a big bounty, should you tighten up what you move all-in with?

  • Should you be flatting threebets more in position in PKOs when you’re the short stack?

  • What hands should you call with out of the big blind in multiway pots in PKOs?

  • How can certain pushes be worth $10 when the buy-in is only $50?!

  • What can you set mine with in a PKO? It’s different than in MTTs!

  • How do you handle multiway pots? There's a lot more flats preflop in PKOs so people can get implied odds towards bounties!

  • What can you rejam with when there is a shortstack bounty in the pot and a separate preflop raiser? How does it change if you cover the third player in the pot, versus if he covers you?

  • Should you flat preflop MORE or LESS with premium pairs in PKOs?

  • When should you balance stack utility with collecting bounties?

  • What should you threebet bluff with in PKOs? The bounties change things!

  • When should you raise light in early position because multiple shortstacks have such big bounties? Bigger stacks than you’d expect are considered shortstacks when the bounties are big enough!

  • When should you reraise and isolate multiple bounties when you have weak aces…get those big stacks out of the pot and collect the money yourself!

  • When should you reraise weak early position opens because you can identify they’re isolating shortstack bounties? THIS IS A HUGE EDGE!

  • How should you use ICMizer to make sure you don’t rejam wildly wide…most tournament players can get a little too bounty hungry!

  • What can you call 25 to 30X rejams with once bounties get big!?

  • When should you call all-ins from bounty jams with almost any two cards?!

  • What do people shove all-in with when they have shortstacks in PKOs? How do people see their stack sizes differently in these tournaments?

  • What hands go up in value when you are calling multiple all-in jams?

  • Should you trap more by smooth calling preflop all-ins in PKOs?

  • When can you shove any two cards in PKOs? What does the creator of ICMIZER tell you to look for when finding “any two cards” spots?

  • How do you know if someone is aware of how bounties work and is raising more from early position? How do we take advantage of them?

  • Can you call with a small pair versus a shortstack open in a PKO?

  • When can you rejam any two cards deep in PKOs to take advantage of people who are opening on your big blind too much?

  • How do you decide how big of an edge you want when considering when to move all-in light? How do larger bounties change this?

  • What should we shove in the big blind versus small blind limpers? How would we solve for that using the software available today? How does the field approach the small blind here?

  • What should you do when there is an all-in and a call at the final table when you’re the chip leader? How wide should you isolate those bounties when first-place prize money is still on the line? The answer will surprise you!

  • What should you call a large all-in with, when there’s a shortstack with a large bounty all-in on the next hand?

  • How is bounty hunting at the final table significantly different than at other times of the tournament?

  • Why is moving all-in is so completely different than calling off, even if both hands are profitable?

And as if that wasn't enough content, Mike puts on an ABSOLUTE CLINIC when he's playing versus other big stacks and the bounties don't come into play. It's not an accident he's made seven figures from tournaments over the years!

In this 15-hour value-packed series, you'll also learn:

  • How to size our river bets correctly to get serious value

  • How to use Pokerstrategy Equilab to determine what you can call with preflop

  • When to call with weak hands out of position versus large flop bets

  • How to deal with 1/3rd pot-sized bets on dry boards when you’re in the big blind

  • When should you LIMP weak hands from early position?

  • How to do insane call downs with pinpoint hand ranging

  • How to take advantage of the final couple of tables

  • How to PURELY threebet bluff deep in tournaments

  • How to get more value when you flop trips

  • How to slowplay weaker hands versus big blind flatters

  • What sizings you should use when you continuation bet bluff versus big blind flatters

  • How to avoid capping your range versus experienced players and why that is so important

  • When to use the check-bet-check line as a bluff

  • How to use small bets to control weaker players

  • When to donk lead later streets for value

  • When to float the flop out of position with a weaker hand

  • How to do more advanced hand ranging based on bet sizing

  • What types of players do you want to flat consistently at a final table

  • When to do lighter threebets versus loose players at the final table

  • When should you open garbage on the button at the final table? Should you ever do it? Do people do it too much?

  • When to donk lead OOP in limped multiway pots.

  • What to c-bet in position in multiway pots. How to manipulate players to see the streets and action you want.

  • Should you play out of position at final tables when you’re the chip leader?

  • How to use small turn raises to manipulate your opponents into doing what you want

  • When do you play small pots at final tables due to ICM dynamics?

  • When to pass on profitable shoves at the final table in order to set yourself up for the win

  • How to defend against limp/jams when the small blind just calls after it’s folded to him

  • How to call on the flop then lead turns to take advantage of short stacks at the final table

  • How to use the big stack at the final table to abuse short stacks

  • How much should you bet on the turn when your opponent calls you OOP on a coordinated board?

  • When you checkraise and someone min-reraises you…what do they generally have?

  • When should you turn a weak pair into a bluff?

  • When should you donk lead the river as a bluff?

Learn all of this right now!

Check out How To DESTROY Progressive Knockout Tournaments today!

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